Wake Up Call! – Cultivating Kindness


Cultivating kindness grows in direct proportion to knowing your belovedness.

Keith was startled to hear himself being introduced as “A man who radiates kindness.” It was not the first thing he would have thought of to describe himself. He was flattered by the introduction but wondered what it meant.

Keith could have chosen to attribute the introduction to a generous introducer but instead engaged in conversation with trusted friends about radiating kindness in their respective lives.

The conversations revealed a common thread. Those who had journeyed to accept being unconditionally loved were tender and compassionate to themselves. Their words and actions revealed a tender compassion toward others expressed in acts of kindness.

The result is the Keith embraces kindness as a defining quality of his life. He says, “I have a renewed passion for inviting those I work with to step beyond negative self-images from family or religion. It’s life-giving to see people move toward loving themselves, to imagine unconditional love. The tender compassion they discover leads to acts and words of kindness in their daily lives.”


Cultivate kindness each day:

  • Embrace your belovedness

  • Allow tender compassion toward yourself to ground your day

  • Be awake to opportunities to be kind toward others each day

  • Appreciate the kindness of others

Notice how your spiritual grounding shifts when tender compassion expressed as kindness becomes part of the flow of your day.

Share your story of cultivating kindness here.

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©2012 Robert V. Taylor

Written by Robert Taylor