Wake Up Call! – Upheld?


Be open to those who uphold you and your well-being.

I was surprised when a relative stranger asked me, “How can I pray for you this week?” The unexpected question caught me off guard.

I could have dismissed it as the work of an ingratiating do-gooder. Instead I looked her in the eyes and expressed my gratitude for the question.

The warmth in the smiling eyes I encountered put me at ease. Surprising myself, I mumbled something about wanting to be less anxious about a work deadline.

The resulting conversation was a reminder to live each day in the present because worrying about tomorrow or regretting yesterday keeps me distant and removed from the only day I have – today. Upheld by the passing care of this person I wonder whose well-being I will uphold today.


  • Be aware of the simple acts or words of others that uphold you

  • Who will you uphold today?

Notice how upholding the well-being of one another draws us into the circle of life.

Share a story about being upheld or upholding another here.

Pass this on! – 5 Tools for raising compassionate kids

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Is disillusionment a positive gift?watch Robert’s TEDx Talk

A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.

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©2013 Robert V. Taylor

Written by Robert Taylor